The Trick Box Team and Mentor Programme


The Trick Box Team and Mentor Programme is designed to help children to develop their individual strengths whilst contributing to the school or wider community.

Children develop a range of task and people-based skills whilst benefiting others, using tricks from their Trick Box to help them.

Children from ages 9-11 can also become school mentors.

Our step by step manual has everything you need to train your mentors including mentor cards and ID badges.

First Primary

I was supporting a child in the playground when a Trick Box mentor asked if they could help. I observed how well the mentor used the coaching model to help the other child find their own solution and pick a trick to help. Needless to say I was impressed and saw the tremendous benefit for both children!

Additional Training

You have everything you need in the Team and Mentor Manual but we do also offer additional training to meet your needs.