Additional Training

We provide guided manuals, step-by-step activity instructions and staff PowerPoint presentations so that you can implement our Trick Box programmes quickly and easily. You have everything you need but if you’d like a little extra, we also provide additional zoom or live introductory programme or workshop training to suit your needs. These can be for the whole team (Early Years/school) or for leaders conducting their own whole team training or for specific teams.

Click on the boxes to find out more

Introductory programme training

We can introduce your Trick Box programme to your team.

Select the introductory training you require on our online booking form and we’ll contact you to arrange a time and date to suit you.

Ages 2-4 EYFS Doodle Programme

Ages 3-4

Nursery / Pre-School (EYFS)

Trick Box Logo Open Arms

Ages 4-11

First / Infants / Junior / Primary

Trick Box Inbox

Ages 9-13



Ages 11-18

Upper / Secondary / 6th Form

If you’ve added out Magic Minutes to your main school programme and you’d like to explore these further simply select the option on our booking form and we’ll be in touch.

Trick Box Support Programmes

The Trick Box support programmes offer additional help to children and young people with their personal development around challenges and change.  If this is part of your role and you’d like to focus on these resources in more depth please select the option on our booking form and we’ll get back to you.

Trick Box Team and Mentor Programmes

The team and mentor programmes offer an opportunity for individual children/young people to develop their strengths and skill sets whilst contributing to the wider school community. For further training please select the programme on the booking form and we will contact you.